Me : I never knew that kanji "ko" or kid (子) can be read as "tako", i understand that ni or two (二) can be read as "fu"
L : hmmm, maybe it is not "fu" but "futa"
Me : Ah yes, like "futari" (二人) or "futatsu" (二つ), if so then the "ko" still read as "ko".
L : yep
Me : Then how about the rest, "tama" and "gawa"? I don't recognize the "tama", but it is obvious that the "gawa" uses the kanji for river.
L : Maybe it is kanji for ball, like in "hitodama" or "gindama".
Me : All i know is if we put that kanji into a box, we will have a country or "kuni". (玉+口->国). If your guess is true then a country is made from a ball in the box
L : Like flag of japan (Hinomaru) ?

Me : Hahaha, close enough. let me check it *so i checked it on my phone*. You are right, it is kanji for ball. So in a way, kanji for country or "kuni" (国) can represent flag of japan.
L : Maybe we can put it that way haha.
Me : Kanji sure is interesting
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